Angkor Wat, icône architecturale du Cambodge, illuminée par le lever du soleil. Le reflet de ses tours majestueuses dans l’eau renforce son aura mystique et intemporelle.

Angkor Wat: A Khmer Masterpiece Between History and Spirituality

Article by Sherenna Scheers / photographs by Svetlana Markoff

Monks in saffron robes walking on a stone bridge in the site of Angkor, spiritual symbol of Cambodia, accompanied by a monkey, in the heart of thousand-year-old architecture.
Monks in Cambodia are primarily associated with Theravada Buddhism.
Bas-relief sculptures from Angkor Thom, depicting historical and mythological scenes. These stone details tell the legendary tales of the Khmer Empire, imbued with symbolism and spirituality.
Bas reliefs present in the Bayon temple.
The Bayon Temple, famous for its smiling faces carved into the stone. A fascinating example of Khmer heritage and religious art in the ancient city of Angkor.
Temple of Bayon with its two faces.

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